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Huntsville American League

Huntsville American League

HAL Baseball Rules


Huntsville American League Baseball Guidelines


  •  The HAL Baseball Director will serve as director for the entire League’s Major (12U), Minor (10U), Coach Pitch (8U) and T-Ball (5U) programs

  •   The HAL Baseball Director will conduct baseball registrations, evaluations and drafting of players.

  • Each player will be registered into their appropriate division based on their birthdate. Special requests to “play up” or “play down” will be managed and decided on by the Baseball Director and coaches of the division that evaluated the player.

    EVALUATIONS (Majors, Minors, Coach Pitch):

    •   T-Ball (5U) will not participate in evaluations.

    •   All players in Majors, Minors and Coach Pitch should participate in player evaluations.

    •   Players will be evaluated for throwing, running, hitting and fielding.

    •   It is encouraged, but not required, that players (12U and 10U) desiring to be evaluated for pitching, get an

      opportunity to pitch. However, this can be bypassed should there be limited time and ALL head coaches

      are in agreement.

    •   Coaches should be present for the complete evaluation session for their age division.

    •   For players unable to participate in evaluations:


- Coaches present at draft for that age group should provide honest feedback of what they know about the player and if possible, designate an estimated draft grade based on the evaluation criteria.

- If necessary, coaches from previous season can be contacted to inquire about player abilities. DRAFT (Majors, Minors, Coach Pitch):


  •   All players will be drafted.

  •   T-Ball (5U) players will not be drafted. Teams will be assigned by the Baseball Director.

  •    Draft order will be determined by random draw.

  •   A draft grade will be discussed and assigned to each Head Coach’s son as voted on by coaches and Baseball

    Director and the head coach will forego his draft pick for the round the player was assigned.

  •   If agreed on by all coaches at the draft, each head coach can select 1 assistant coach and inherit his

    assistant’s son on his team. A draft grade will be discussed amongst coaches and approved by the Baseball Director for that player. The head coach will forego his draft pick for the round the player was assigned. The assistant coach must be an on-field coach.

  •   The draft for each division will be conducted as a snake draft.

  •   The draft will proceed until all available players have been selected.

  •   Players drafted to a team who have siblings or are otherwise paired for any reason (requires Baseball

    Director approval if not siblings): the pair will be evaluated by coaches and given draft grades. If a coach drafts a paired player, the subsequent player pair will be assigned to the coach per his agreed upon draft grade. The coach will forego his draft pick for the round the player was assigned.


- If the player draft has proceeded past the draft grade round agreed on by coaches for player A, but before the draft grade round for player B, and player A is selected, the coach will be assigned player B based on his draft grade. Player B does not slip to later rounds just because player A was selected after their draft grade.

- If the player draft has proceeded past the draft grade round for both player A and player B, the coach will be assigned player B the round following player A being drafted.

- If player A remains undrafted by the final 2 rounds, one of the players must be selected in the penultimate round by a coach who will have a pick in the final round. The other player will be assigned as the coach’s last pick.

  •   Players who register after the sign-up period and were unable to attend tryouts will be added to the next team in the draft order, subject to Baseball Director review and approval.

  •   Player additions will continue until the point in time that no more players are able to be added due to roster size limitations.

  •   TRADES:

- Any trade must occur immediately upon completion of draft for given division. o Any trade must be approved by majority vote of the coaches in that division.
- Any tie (resulting from coaches’ vote) will be broken by the Baseball Director.



  •   Only In-Park games at American will count toward standings.

  •   Coaches are responsible for reporting each game outcome and score to the Baseball Director and Assistant

    Director at the completion of the game. Text or email.

  •   Reported game score should be the score at which point a mathematical elimination was determined for

    the game winner to be declared. Not the final score if coaches agree to continue playing.

  •   Teams will earn 1 point for each win.

  •   Ties will be counted .5 points for each team.

  •   The team with the best record at the end of the season will be declared the champion.

  •   For scenario where two or more teams are tied, the first tie-breaker will be head-to-head record against

    each other.

  •   If the tie is not broken by head-to-head competition record, the next criteria will be runs allowed.

  •   If the tie is not broken by runs allowed, the next criteria will be runs scored.

  •   If the tie is not broken by runs scored, the next criteria will be a coin flip.


  •   GOAL: Field the absolute best team possible to represent Huntsville American League and reward players for outstanding performance during the season!

  •   The Baseball Director will determine what age groups will field a team and present to the board for approval.

  •   The Baseball Director will conduct a meeting with coaches from all divisions and conduct balloting in order 12U > 8U.

  •   Players that were approved to “play up” a division can be considered for their age-appropriate division as voted on by the coaches of that division.

  •   Players will be voted on by the coaches in that division. The 10 players voted on by the coaches will fill the first 10 spots.

  •   The Baseball Director will determine the head coach for each team after the first month of the regular season, and present to the board for approval. Determination time may vary due to uniform ordering constraints.


 Regular season play, coaching ability, on-field conduct / professionalism, All-Star coaching experience, previous issues or suspensions will all be factors that are considered by the Baseball Director.


  •   The All Star Manager will have the right to select 1 or 2 more players to fill out his 12 team roster. Subject to review and approval by the Baseball Director.

  •   The All Star Manager will have the right to select 1 assistant coach who must have coached at HAL in the same division that season. Subject to review and approval by the Baseball Director and Executive Board.

  •   The All Star Manager will request additional assistant coaches (4 assistant coaches total). Subject to review and approval by the Baseball Director and Executive Board.

  • ●  Special circumstances will be considered by the Baseball Director and taken to the board for approval.




  •   Fern Bell has two batting cages, each containing two lanes. South Gully Cage is between Fields 2 and 3. North Gully Cage is between Fields 1 and 4.

  •   South Gully Cage will be prioritized for Coach Pitch games.

  •   North Gully Cage will be prioritized for Minors and Majors games.

  •   Players are required to wear a batting helmet when using the batting cages.

  •   If no Coach Pitch game is being played or scheduled, the South Gully Cage may be used by the away Major

    and/or Minor team at 1 hour before game start time.

  •   If a Coach Pitch game is being played or scheduled, and the team is utilizing South Gully Cage, the North

    Gully Cage must be shared by both the home and away Major and/or Minor teams.

  •   If a Major and Minor team are both utilizing the North Gully Cage simultaneously, cage closest to field 4

    will be for Major and the cage closest to field 1 will be for Minor.

  •   The home team will have the cage starting at 1 hour before game start time. The away team will have

    infield during this time. The away team will then have the cage starting at 30 minutes before game start time. The home team will have the infield during this time. Be aware of your time limitations and be sure to clear the cage promptly.


    Playing rules not specifically covered herein, shall be governed by Alabama USSSA Recreational Rules found at


1. Minimum Play Requirement:
a. Every rostered player present at the start of a game must participate for a minimum of six (6)

defensive outs in a six (6) inning game.

** NOTE: It is recommended that coaches try to get player participation up to a minimum of nine (9) defensive outs in a six (6) inning game but run rules, mathematical eliminations and home team victories that prevent the away team from defending the last half inning make this difficult to manage. Make the best effort to get as much playing time for all players on the team! Make an effort to rotate players into different defensive positions to help their overall development as baseball players!

b. Every rostered player must be in the batting lineup.


  1. Players that arrive late should be added to the bottom of the lineup.

  2. Players that have to leave the game early, for whatever reason, are not considered outs when their spot in the lineup is due up.


2. A regulation game consists of six (6) innings and can end in a tie.


  1. Shortened because of an imposed 1 hour and 30 minute time limit expiration; OR

  2. Shortened because a team is mathematically eliminated from either tie or win by run rule (7 runs

    per inning max); OR

  3. Shortened because of inclement weather


i. If a game is called due to inclement weather, light failure or other acts of nature and cannot be resumed, it is a regulation game if three (3) innings have been played or if the home team has scored more runs after 2 1⁄2 innings.

**NOTE: It is recommended that games continue despite run limits being reached as long as agreed on by coaches prior to the game / season. This encourages more in-game experience and development. At any point the coaches can agree to end the game should there be a run rule imposed. It is the responsibility of the home team coach to inform the scoreboard operator to stop adding runs to the scoreboard once the game has been decided via run rule. Please keep sportsmanship in mind when the winning team is hitting / running bases. It is recommended and encouraged to take the “station to station” or “base to base” approach when running bases in games that have already been determined.

3. All players, coaches, managers and spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. The Baseball Director, Park President or any Park Board member present have the authority to determine if a player, coach, manager or spectator is acting / acted in a manner that was unsportsmanlike and have the authority to remove anyone from the event at any time for unsportsmanlike conduct. Any player, coach, manager or spectator whose conduct is unbecoming or abusive shall at minimum be reprimanded with a warning. If warranted, the offending party shall be ejected from the game at the discretion of the Umpire and/or Baseball Director and/or Park President and/or any Park Board member present.


  1. Any player, coach, manager or spectator ejected from a game shall immediately remove themselves from the vicinity of the playing field and/or grandstands for the remainder of the game.

  2. Any player ejected from a game shall either immediately remove themselves from the vicinity of the playing field for the remainder of the game or be confined to the dugout area for the remainder of the game at the discretion of the Head Coach or Baseball Director.

  3. Additional penalties may be assessed and determined at the discretion of the Baseball Director, Park President and Board.

  4. Multiple and/or repeat violations will be brought to the Park Executive Board for reconciliation.

  5. If behavior warrants an individual to leave the park, any refusal to do so will result in a call to

    Huntsville Police Department to remove the individual according to City of Huntsville Park and

    Recreation (COHPAR) policy.

  6. Berating or verbal/physical abuse towards a game official is strictly prohibited, and violators will be

    subject to removal from premises.


8U (Coach Pitch) Specific Rules:

1. Umpires shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called as soon the lead runner has been stopped from advancing to the next base. When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called. This style of play stoppage is called “Stop the Lead Runner”.

**NOTE: It is recommended to play “Stop the Lead Runner” to encourage defensive players to learn how to target and throw the baseball to keep runners from advancing / backup bases and plays. This simplifies the responsibility of the umpire to pay closer attention to the lead runner. It is not recommended to take advantage of this rule and the underdeveloped coach pitch player ability by over aggressively running the bases. For instance, an overthrown ball to first base that is immediately backed up by an outfielder or recovered by the first baseman only a few feet away and prior to the baserunner reaching 2nd base, should not result in a player running all the way from 1st to 3rd... A ball on the infield that never leaves the infield and no throw is made, should not result in a player scoring from 2nd base. Please coach kids to run bases like they should be run. Please coach kids to backup plays at bases to prevent advancement.

2. 3.

4. 5.

A team may score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning.

The half inning is over when the hitting team has scored seven (7) runs or the defensive team has recorded three (3) outs.

Batter may receive a maximum of 6 pitches or 3 swinging strikes. A player cannot strike out on a foul ball.

Fair Ball Arc: There shall be a twenty (20) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go past this line to be a fair ball. A ball that settles on the line is considered foul. Any ball fielded within the arc is a foul ball despite momentum of the ball potentially carrying it outside of the arc if not fielded.

  1. There will be a pitching line drawn at 32’ from the rear point of home plate. There will be a permanent mound at 46’ from the rear of home plate. The Pitching Coach can pitch anywhere between these two distances in-line with home plate and the permanent mound.

  2. There will be a 10’ diameter circle with the front edge at 42’ from the rear point of home plate. It is the responsibility of the Pitching Player to have both feet within the 10’ diameter circle before the pitch is thrown by the Pitching Coach. The Pitching Player may not leave the circle until after the ball is batted. PENALTY: After the play has ended, the offensive team has the option of taking the result of the play or no-pitch.

  3. The Pitching Coach shall not verbally or physically coach while in the pitching position. If the hitting team chooses to have a coach behind home plate to help speed the tempo of the game, the coach behind home plate must follow the same rules as the Pitching Coach.

  4. 10 Defensive players (6 infielders, 4 outfielders). No outfielders shall assume an infield position. No outfielder may run into the infield (dirt) to field a ball or attempt to make a play. Outfielders must throw the ball to an infield position player. Any outfielder entering into the dirt infield while in possession of the ball will not stop play, and a runner cannot be tagged out by that outfielder. Outfielders can backup 1st, 2nd or 3rd base but must not enter the infield dirt.

  5. Two (2) Defensive coaches are allowed in the outfield for the first 6 games of the season. After 6 games, the coaches may coach the outfielders from the outfield foul territory area only.

  6. Teams may start a game with eight (8) players. The Batting order shall constitute all present players on the team roster at the beginning of the game. Late arrivals shall be inserted at the bottom of the batting order. All players on the roster shall bat before returning to the top of the batting order.

  7. All bats must be permanently stamped with the new USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark, BBCOR.50 Certified Mark or USA Baseball Stamped. See below:

  8. The pitching coach shall position himself as not to be an obstruction to the defensive team on any possible play once the ball has been hit. If a coach violates this rule, First Offense: Warning, Second Offense: Removal of coach as the pitcher.

  1. Catcher shall receive the pitch in the catcher’s box in a normal baseball manner. If in the Umpire’s judgement, the catcher is not receiving the ball in a normal baseball manner, there shall be a warning issued. If the act continues after the warning, the offending team’s manager shall be ejected.

  2. Teams may use free substitution on defense, but the batting order shall remain the same.

  3. Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate.

  4. Pitcher Coach must attempt to avoid contact with a batted ball. If in the Umpire’s judgement, the coach did not make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the batter is declared out and no runners shall advance.

  5. If a Pitcher Coach is struck with a batted ball and the Pitcher Coach made adequate movement to avoid contact, per the Umpire’s judgement, the play shall be declared dead ball, no pitch. A strike will not be issued to the batter. The player shall return to the batter’s box and resume his at-bat.

  6. Maximum of 5 coaches are allowed on the field. 1 Head Coach and 4 Assistant Coaches.

  7. Bunting is NOT allowed. No fake bunts or “slashing” allowed. PENALTY: If a batter swings after “showing” bunt, the batter is called out and no runners shall advance.

  8. The Infield Fly Rule is NOT in effect at any time.

  9. Intentional walks are not permitted.

  10. The home team’s book will be the official book. Visiting team should verify consistency between each half-inning. Home Team is responsible for operating the Score Board.

10U (Minors) Specific Rules


  1. Pitchers must adhere to the following requirements:

    1. Maximum pitches a single player may pitch in a game is 75.

      1. Player must be removed when they have reached this number, even if in the middle of facing a batter.

      2. Each team scorebook keeper is responsible for keeping track of both team’s pitch counts.

      3. The home team scorebook will be the official count.

      4. At each half inning, scorebooks should be reconciled and adjudicated by each head coach.

      5. It is ultimately the responsibility of the head coach to ensure player pitch count is not exceeded.

      6. If a player exceeds pitch count, as determined by a coach or scorebook keeper, the umpire must be informed during the game.

      7. The pitcher player must be replaced and the game can be challenged under protest for violations of the rules by the non-rule offending head coach.

      8. If pitch count violations are discovered after a game, no protest will be considered. The Baseball Director should be informed.

      9. Teams that exceed pitch count rules are subject to punishment including potential forfeiture of the game. Subject to review by the Baseball Director.

      10. Repeated violations by the head coach may result in suspension of the coach.

    2. If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.

    3. If a player pitches 51-65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.

    4. If a player pitches 36-50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.

    5. If a player pitches 21-35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.

    6. If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, zero (0) calendar days of rest are required.

    Important Note: For determining rest, the pitch count determining rest will be the number of pitches the pitcher began with when facing the last batter that was faced. Example: Pitcher was at 48 pitches and got his last batter out with 4 pitches (total 52), rest will be determined based on the 48 pitch count (2 calendar days).

  2. Must bat through lineup.

  3. Free defensive substitutions as long as minimum play rules are being observed.

  4. First 6 games: No dropped 3rd strike batter advancement (batter must run, catcher can tag or throw the

    batter/runner out, regardless of outcome at first base – caught, dropped, untagged, overthrow, runner beat the throw – batter/runner is still out). Runners on base can advance, at their own jeopardy, if the pitch is a true past ball. Runners on base cannot advance on a bad throw from the catcher to first base.


a. After 6 games and throughout the remaining season, dropped 3rd strike batter advancement rules shall be played normally with no restrictions or guaranteed outs on batter/runner or baserunners unless thrown or tagged out by the defensive team.


  1. Balks enforced. Umpires will be lenient early in the season and more stringent as the season progresses.

  2. Lead offs allowed.

  3. Stolen bases are permitted. However, due to player safety, no straight steals of home are permitted.

  4. 7 run limit per inning.

  5. Bunting allowed. No slash bunting (fake bunting and swinging).

  6. Runners shall not advance on the catcher to pitcher exchange unless there is an errant throw.



Pitchers must adhere to the following requirements:


  1. COHPAR allows 13 year olds to play Majors, but they are not allowed to pitch.

  2. Maximum pitches a single player may pitch in a game is 85.

    1. Player must be removed when they have reached this number, even if in the middle of facing a batter.

    2. Each team scorebook keeper is responsible for keeping track of both team’s pitch counts.

    3. The home team scorebook will be the official count.

    4. At each half inning, scorebooks should be reconciled and adjudicated by each head coach.

    5. It is ultimately the responsibility of the head coach to ensure player pitch count is not exceeded.

    6. If a player exceeds pitch count, as determined by a coach or scorebook keeper, the umpire must be informed during the game.

    7. The pitcher player must be replaced and the game can be challenged under protest for violations of the rules by the non-rule offending head coach.

    8. If pitch count violations are discovered after a game, no protest will be considered. The Baseball Director should be informed.

    9. Teams that exceed pitch count rules are subject to punishment including potential forfeiture of the game. Subject to review by the Baseball Director.

    10. Repeated violations by the head coach may result in suspension of the coach.

  3. If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.

  4. If a player pitches 51-65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.

  5. If a player pitches 36-50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.

  6. If a player pitches 21-35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.

  7. If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, zero (0) calendar days of rest are required.


Important Note: For determining rest, the pitch count determining rest will be the number of pitches the pitcher began with when facing the last batter that was faced. Example: Pitcher was at 48 pitches and got his last batter out with 4 pitches (total 52), rest will be determined based on the 48 pitch count (2 calendar days).

Must bat through lineup.
No run limit per inning.
Balks enforced.
A player that is 13 years old cannot pitch and will not be eligible to play All Stars.

12U (Majors) Specific Rules

2. 3. 4. 5.





Carl Walker

Spring 2024



Huntsville American League
Fern Bell Park, P.O. Box 4327
Huntsville, Alabama 35815

Email: [email protected]

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